package com.application.DB; import com.application.GUI.NotificationPopUp; import*; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.util.*; import static com.application.DB.Constants.*; import static com.application.DB.HelpingFunctions.IS_FINISHED; import static com.application.DB.HelpingFunctions.getNoOfChambers; /** * This class is responsible for handling database related activities * * @author Eilert Tunheim, Karin Pettersen, Mads Arnesen * @version 1.0 */ public class DB { /** * Launching the functions * * @param args default param * @throws Exception throws exception in case of error */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //getKwh(); //getName(); //getZeroPointDate(); //System.out.println(setInputParameters()); //getNoOfChambers(); } public static Map<Integer, Map<String, Number>> setInputParameters() throws Exception { Map<Integer, Map<String, Number>> allDryingPeriods = new HashMap<>(); boolean sawsetRemoved = false; boolean treespeciesRemoved = false; boolean dimensionsRemoved = false; boolean moistureRemoved = false; HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> locationTables = null; ArrayList<Integer> valmeticsChamberIDS = null; ArrayList<Integer> kwhChamberIDS = null; int numberOfChambers; String extraInputParameter = ""; int locationID; int index = 0; String treeSpecies = ""; String dimensions = ""; String sawset = ""; String moistureGoal = ""; // Valmetics parameters String nameParameter; String kilinName; int kilinID; String startDryingTime; String stopDryingTime; String valmeticsTableName; int limit; // Kwh parameters String kwhTableName; String KwhName; String timestamp; String valueIDName; int valueID; getNoOfChambers(); int chamberNo = 1; while(true){ Map<Integer, Map<String, Number>> intermediateHashMap = new HashMap<>(); for (HashMap.Entry<Integer, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>> location : Constants.getSawmills().entrySet()) { // Clears the extraInputs variable extraInputParameter = ""; System.out.printf("\nLocation ID: \t%s\t\t\tRest of map: \t%s\n", location.getKey(), location.getValue()); System.out.println("Number of sawmills: "+Constants.getSawmills().size()); //allDryingPeriods = new TreeMap<>(); locationID = location.getKey(); //System.out.println(location.getValue()); if (location.getKey() == 124) { // If location is Valasen, then the database stores furu as fura, swedish. if (HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES.equalsIgnoreCase("Furu")) { HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES = "Fura"; } locationTables = getValasenTableNames(); valmeticsChamberIDS = getValasenValmeticsChamberIDS(); kwhChamberIDS = getValasenKwhChamberIDS(); } if (location.getKey() == 174) { if (HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES.equalsIgnoreCase("Fura")) { HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES = "Furu"; } locationTables = getArjangTableNames(); valmeticsChamberIDS = getArjangValmeticsChamberIDS(); kwhChamberIDS = getArjangKwhChamberIDS(); } // Valmetics valmeticsTableName = locationTables.get("Valmetics"); nameParameter = location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Valmetics")).get("Name"); startDryingTime = location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Valmetics")).get("DryingStarted"); stopDryingTime = location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Valmetics")).get("DryingStopped"); kilinName = location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Valmetics")).get("KilnName"); //kilinID = Integer.parseInt(location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Valmetics")).get("KilinID")); limit = Integer.parseInt(location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Valmetics")).get("Limit")); // Kwh kwhTableName = locationTables.get("Kwh"); KwhName = location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Kwh")).get("KwhName"); timestamp = location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Kwh")).get("Timestamp"); valueIDName = location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Kwh")).get("ValueIDName"); //valueID = Integer.parseInt(location.getValue().get(locationTables.get("Kwh")).get("ValueID")); System.out.printf("Tree species: \t%s\n", HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES); System.out.printf("Width: \t\t\t%s\n", HelpingFunctions.DIMENSIONS); System.out.printf("Sawset: \t\t%s\n", HelpingFunctions.SAWSET); System.out.printf("Moisture: \t\t%s\n", HelpingFunctions.MOISTURE_GOAL); // Defining the extra sql statements for extra parameters treeSpecies = "AND LOWER(" + nameParameter + ") LIKE LOWER(" + '"' + "%" + HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES + "%" + '"' + ") "; dimensions = "AND LOWER(" + nameParameter + ") LIKE LOWER(" + '"' + "%" + HelpingFunctions.DIMENSIONS + "%" + '"' + ") "; sawset = "AND LOWER(" + nameParameter + ") LIKE LOWER(" + '"' + "%" + HelpingFunctions.SAWSET + "%" + '"' + ") "; moistureGoal = "AND LOWER(" + nameParameter + ") LIKE LOWER(" + '"' + "%" + HelpingFunctions.MOISTURE_GOAL + "\\\\%" + "%" + '"' + ") "; // 1. Checking if user input is empty. // 2. Checking if the extraInputParameter variable already contains the extra parameters, // if so not adding a second time. // 3. Checking if the while loop have previously removed the parameter, if so, not adding again. if (!HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES.isEmpty() && !extraInputParameter.contains(treeSpecies) && !treespeciesRemoved) { extraInputParameter += treeSpecies; } if (!HelpingFunctions.DIMENSIONS.isEmpty() && !extraInputParameter.contains(dimensions) && !dimensionsRemoved) { extraInputParameter += dimensions; } if (!HelpingFunctions.SAWSET.isEmpty() && !extraInputParameter.contains(sawset) && !sawsetRemoved) { extraInputParameter += sawset; } if (!HelpingFunctions.MOISTURE_GOAL.isEmpty() && !extraInputParameter.contains(moistureGoal) && !moistureRemoved) { extraInputParameter += moistureGoal; } System.out.printf("\nExtra parameters:\n %s\n\n", extraInputParameter); // Sets the lowest number of chambers to iterate through assert valmeticsChamberIDS != null; numberOfChambers = Math.min(valmeticsChamberIDS.size(), kwhChamberIDS.size()); System.out.printf("\nnumberOfChambers: \t%d\n",numberOfChambers); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChambers; i++) { // Sets the kiln number kilinID = valmeticsChamberIDS.get(i); valueID = kwhChamberIDS.get(i); System.out.printf("KilinID: \t%d\n",kilinID); System.out.printf("valueID: \t%d\n",valueID); //System.out.println("Før results"); Map<Integer, Map<String, Number>> results = new TreeMap<>(getKwh(getZeroPointDate(locationID, extraInputParameter, nameParameter, kilinName, kilinID, startDryingTime, stopDryingTime, valmeticsTableName, limit), locationID, kwhTableName, KwhName, timestamp, valueIDName, valueID, index)); //System.out.println("\n\nResults size: "+results.size()+"\n\n"); intermediateHashMap.putAll(results); index += results.size(); //System.out.println("Etter results"); } } System.out.printf("\nExtra parameters:\n %s\n\n", extraInputParameter); System.out.println("\n\nAll drying periods size: "+intermediateHashMap.size()+"\n\n"); // Retrieves the dates //results = getKwh(getZeroPointDate(locationID, extraInputParameter, nameParameter, kilinName, kilinID, startDryingTime, stopDryingTime, valmeticsTableName, limit)); // Checks if any dates where found, if not parameters are removed until dates are found if (intermediateHashMap.size() < NUMBER_OF_PERIODS) { //System.out.println("\nInni if, sletter parameter:\n"); if (extraInputParameter.contains(sawset) && !sawsetRemoved) { extraInputParameter = extraInputParameter.replace(sawset, ""); System.out.println("Sawset is removed"); sawsetRemoved = true; //setInputParameters(true,false,false,false); } else if (extraInputParameter.contains(treeSpecies) && !treespeciesRemoved) { extraInputParameter = extraInputParameter.replace(treeSpecies, ""); System.out.println("Tree species is removed"); treespeciesRemoved = true; //setInputParameters(true,true,false,false); } else if (extraInputParameter.contains(dimensions) && !dimensionsRemoved) { extraInputParameter = extraInputParameter.replace(dimensions, ""); System.out.println("Dimensions is removed"); dimensionsRemoved = true; //setInputParameters(true,true,true,false); } else if (extraInputParameter.contains(moistureGoal) && !moistureRemoved) { extraInputParameter = extraInputParameter.replace(moistureGoal, ""); System.out.println("Moisture goal is removed"); moistureRemoved = true; //setInputParameters(true,true,true,true); } else break; } else { // Adding all periods to the hashmap to return allDryingPeriods.putAll(intermediateHashMap); break; } } System.out.println(allDryingPeriods.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<String, Number>> entry : allDryingPeriods.entrySet()) { System.out.printf("Timestamp: \t%s\t\t\tkWh: \t%s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return allDryingPeriods; } /** * Retrieves information about kWh and the corresponding date * * @return the results * @throws Exception returns potential error */ public static Map<Integer, Map<String, Number>> getKwh(Map<String, String> dates, int locationID, String kwhTableName, String KwhName, String timestamp, String valueIDName, int valueID, int index) throws Exception { int indx= 0; // Initializing the data map to store the results Map<Integer, Map<String, Number>> finalResults = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : dates.entrySet()) { //System.out.printf("Intid: \t%s\t\t\tOuttid: \t%s\n",entry.getKey(),entry.getValue()); // Initializing the data map to store the results Map<String, Number> data = new HashMap<>(); // Preparing a query statement // Query statement 124 Valåsen final String sqlStatement = "SELECT `" + timestamp + "`, `" + KwhName + "` " + "FROM `" + PROJECT_ID + "." + locationID + "." + kwhTableName + "` " + "WHERE " + timestamp + " BETWEEN " + '"' + entry.getKey() + '"' + " AND " + '"' + entry.getValue() + '"' + " AND " + valueIDName + " = " + valueID + " " + " AND " + KwhName + " <> 0 " + " ORDER BY " + timestamp + " ASC"; System.out.println(sqlStatement); // Iterating through the results TableResult result = HelpingFunctions.createQueryJob(sqlStatement); //System.out.println("Timestamp \t kWh"); int baseline = 0; HelpingFunctions.iterateKwhValues(data, baseline, result, KwhName, timestamp); System.out.println("Data size: " + data.size()); NavigableMap<String, Number> sortedData = new TreeMap<>(data); if (!sortedData.isEmpty() && sortedData.size() > 50) { finalResults.put(index, sortedData); index += 1; // entry.value burde matche med en av de og går igjennom alle for (Map.Entry<String, String> moistureEntry : HelpingFunctions.getManMoist().entrySet()) { if(moistureEntry.getKey().equals(entry.getValue())){ // Adjust kwh System.out.println("Inni!!@@@@@"); System.out.printf("Mouisture key: \t%s",moistureEntry.getKey()); System.out.printf("\nFormatedUtTid: \t%s",entry.getValue()); System.out.println("\nMoisture diff: " + moistureEntry.getValue()); indx++; System.out.println(indx); } } } } System.out.println("\nFinal results size: " + finalResults.size()+"\n\n"); // Defining a treemap to sort the data incrementally NavigableMap<Integer, Map<String, Number>> sortedFinalResults = new TreeMap<>(finalResults); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<String, Number>> entry : sortedFinalResults.entrySet()) { Map<String, Number> data = entry.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<String, Number> moistureEntry : data.entrySet()) { //System.out.println("Data key: "+moistureEntry.getKey()); // Key = datetime: 2022-01-18 20:23:36 //System.out.println("Data Value: "+moistureEntry.getValue()); // Value = kwh: 5422 } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<String, Number>> entry : sortedFinalResults.entrySet()) { System.out.printf("Timestamp: \t%s\t\t\tkWh: \t%s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return sortedFinalResults; } /** * This function retrieves the intidtork and uttidtork dates from the database. * This variables are not sorted and thus this function iterates through the data in order to * find the last intidtork date and the corresponding uttidtork data. * These values will be used to reset the kWh. * * A possible extention of this function could be to limit the number of dring periodes. * This could be done with counting the number of entries in * * @return Returns a treemap that sorts the Start- and End time for each drying period incrementally * @throws Exception Throws exception if an error occurs */ private static Map<String, String> getZeroPointDate(int locationID, String extraUserInput, String nameParameter, String kilinName, int kilinID, String startDryingTime, String stopDryingTime, String valmeticsTableName, int limit) throws Exception { // Defining variables to be used later String treeSort = ""; String thickness = ""; String width = ""; String sawSet = ""; String moistureMeasured = ""; String formatedInTidTork = ""; String formatedUtTidTork = ""; String formatedUtTidTorkPlussDays = ""; // Initializing maps to store the results Map<String, String> dates = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> manMoistData = new HashMap<>(); // Defining extra parameters if required String extraInputParameter = ""; extraInputParameter += extraUserInput; if(locationID == 124){ extraInputParameter += "AND CalculatedStart BETWEEN \"1990-01-01 00:00:00\" AND \"" + CURRENT_DATE + "\" "; } if(locationID == 174){ // KILIN_ID starts at 0 not 1 in the database. kilinID -= 1; } // Sqlstatement final String sqlStatement = "SELECT MAX("+ nameParameter +") as DryingSchedule, MAX("+kilinName+") as Kiln_ID, " + startDryingTime + ", MAX("+stopDryingTime+") as DryingCompleted " + "FROM `" + PROJECT_ID + "." + locationID + "." + valmeticsTableName + "` " + "WHERE " + kilinName + " = " + kilinID + " " + "AND "+startDryingTime+" BETWEEN \"1990-01-01 00:00:00\" AND \"" + CURRENT_DATE + "\" " + "AND "+stopDryingTime+" BETWEEN \"1990-01-01 00:00:00\" AND \"" + CURRENT_DATE + "\" " + extraInputParameter + "AND LOWER(" +nameParameter+ ") NOT LIKE LOWER("+'"'+"%"+ "test" +"%"+'"'+") " + "Group by "+ startDryingTime + " " + "Order by "+ startDryingTime + " ASC " + "LIMIT " + limit; System.out.println(sqlStatement); // Increments kilinID back to the correct id nr if(locationID == 174){ kilinID += 1; } // Retrieves the results from the queryjob TableResult result = HelpingFunctions.createQueryJob(sqlStatement); //System.out.println("InTidTork\t\t\tUtTidTork"); // Iterating through the results for (FieldValueList row : result.iterateAll()) { // Gets parameters from DryingSchedule System.out.println(row.get("DryingSchedule").getStringValue()); if(!row.get("DryingSchedule").isNull()){ String[] nameParameters = row.get("DryingSchedule").getValue().toString().split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < nameParameters.length; i++) { if (nameParameters[i].contains("Fur")) { treeSort = "F"; } if (nameParameters[i].contains("Gran")) { treeSort = "G"; } if (nameParameters[i].matches("\\d+x\\d+")) { String[] dimensions = nameParameters[i].split("x"); thickness = dimensions[0]; width = dimensions[1]; } if (nameParameters[i].matches("\\d{1}ex")) { sawSet = nameParameters[i]; } } } //System.out.println("Start: "+row.get("DryingStarted").getTimestampValue()); //System.out.println("Stop: "+row.get("DryingCompleted").getTimestampValue()); // Retrieving the data // DryingStarted: if(!row.get("DryingStarted").isNull()){ // Check if response is given in millis try{ long doubleValue = row.get("DryingStarted").getTimestampValue(); long InTidTorkLong = doubleValue/1000; // Formating the data from long to a string in the correct date format formatedInTidTork = HelpingFunctions.getDateFormat().format(InTidTorkLong); //System.out.println("LONG!!@@@@"); } catch(NumberFormatException e){ //not long value, must be of type string //System.out.println("Must be a string!!@@@@"); if(row.get("DryingStarted").getValue().toString().contains("T")){ // stores the value String value = (String) row.get("DryingStarted").getValue(); // Splits the string based on 'T' String[] splitValue = value.split("T"); // Combines the values into a new format formatedInTidTork = splitValue[0]+" "+splitValue[1]; } else formatedInTidTork = row.get("DryingStarted").getValue().toString(); } // Checks if response is given in a string date format //if(row.get("DryingStarted").getValue().equals(Long.parseLong(row.get("DryingStarted").getValue().toString()))) { } // CalculatedStop: // DryingCompleted: // Check if response is given in millis try{ long doubleValue = row.get("DryingCompleted").getTimestampValue(); long utTidTorkLong = doubleValue/1000; // Formating the data from long to a string in the correct date format formatedUtTidTork = HelpingFunctions.getDateFormat().format(utTidTorkLong); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { //not long value, must be of type string if(row.get("DryingCompleted").getValue().toString().contains("T")){ // stores the value String value = (String) row.get("DryingCompleted").getValue(); // Splits the string based on 'T' String[] splitValue = value.split("T"); // Combines the values into a new format formatedUtTidTork = splitValue[0] + " " + splitValue[1]; } else formatedUtTidTork = row.get("DryingCompleted").getValue().toString(); } // Getting manual measurement: // Adding days to search between String date = formatedUtTidTork.split(" ")[0]; DateTime addedDays = new DateTime(date); formatedUtTidTorkPlussDays = addedDays.plusDays(ARJANG_NR_ADDED_DAYS).toString(); formatedUtTidTorkPlussDays = formatedUtTidTorkPlussDays.split("T")[0]; /* if (locationID == ARJANG_LOCATION_ID) { // Sqlstatement final String manMeasurementStatement = "SELECT Tork, Dato, Treslag, Tykkelse, Bredde, Planketype, Diff " + "FROM `" + PROJECT_ID + "." + locationID + "." + ARJANG_MANFUKTREG + "` " + "WHERE Tork LIKE \"%" + kilinID + "%\" " + "AND Treslag LIKE \"%" + treeSort + "%\" " + "AND Tykkelse = " + thickness + " " + "AND Bredde = " + width + " " + "AND Planketype = \"" + sawSet + "\" " + "AND Dato BETWEEN \"" + date + "\" AND \"" + formatedUtTidTorkPlussDays + "\" " + "ORDER BY Dato"; System.out.println(manMeasurementStatement); // Retrieves the results from the queryjob TableResult resultManMeasurement = HelpingFunctions.createQueryJob(manMeasurementStatement); //System.out.println("InTidTork\t\t\tUtTidTork"); // Iterating through the results for (FieldValueList manMeasurement : resultManMeasurement.iterateAll()) { // Checks if value is null if(!manMeasurement.get("Diff").isNull()){ moistureMeasured = manMeasurement.get("Diff").getValue().toString(); } } //System.out.println("moistureMeasured: " + moistureMeasured); if(!moistureMeasured.isEmpty()){ manMoistData.put(formatedUtTidTork,moistureMeasured); } } */ //System.out.println("Inn formated: "+formatedInTidTork); //System.out.println("Ut formated: "+formatedUtTidTork+"\n"); // Checks if intidtork or outtidtork is empty, if so they are ignored and not added to the list if (!formatedInTidTork.isEmpty() && !formatedUtTidTork.isEmpty()){ // Adds the data to the dates map dates.put(formatedInTidTork,formatedUtTidTork); } //System.out.printf("%s\t\t\t%s\n",formatedInTidTork,formatedUtTidTork); } // Defining a treemap to sort the data incrementally NavigableMap<String, String> sortedFinalResults = new TreeMap<>(dates); System.out.println("\n"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sortedFinalResults.entrySet()) { System.out.printf("Intid: \t%s\t\t\tUttid: \t%s\n",entry.getKey(),entry.getValue()); } System.out.printf("Size of dates: %s\n\n", sortedFinalResults.size()); System.out.println("manMoistData size: " + manMoistData.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : manMoistData.entrySet()) { HelpingFunctions.getManMoist().put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } // Returns a treemap that sorts the dates incrementally return new TreeMap<>(sortedFinalResults); } public static void pushManMoisture(String moisture) throws Exception { String startTime = null; String stopTime = null; String treeSpecies; String dimensions; String sawset; String moistureGoal; // Checks if variables is not null, if so, formats correctly for the sql statement if(!HelpingFunctions.START_TIME.equals("")){ startTime = '"'+ HelpingFunctions.START_TIME+'"'; } if(HelpingFunctions.STOP_TIME != null){ stopTime = '"'+ HelpingFunctions.STOP_TIME+'"'; } if(!HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES.equals("")){ treeSpecies = '"'+ HelpingFunctions.TREE_SPECIES+'"'; } else { treeSpecies = null; } if(!HelpingFunctions.DIMENSIONS.equals("")){ dimensions = '"'+ HelpingFunctions.DIMENSIONS+'"'; } else { dimensions = null; } if(!HelpingFunctions.SAWSET.equals("")){ sawset = '"'+ HelpingFunctions.SAWSET+'"'; } else { sawset = null; } if(!HelpingFunctions.MOISTURE_GOAL.equals("")){ moistureGoal = '"'+ HelpingFunctions.MOISTURE_GOAL+'"'; } else { moistureGoal = null; } // Sqlstatement final String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO " + PROJECT_ID + "." + LOCATION_ID + "." + MAN_MOISTURE_TABLE + "(moisture,tree_species,dimensions,sawset,moisture_goal,no_moisture_check,start_time,stop_time,finished) " + "VALUES("+moisture+","+treeSpecies+","+dimensions+","+sawset+","+moistureGoal+","+NUMBER_OF_CHECKS+","+startTime+","+stopTime+","+IS_FINISHED+") "; System.out.println(sqlStatement); HelpingFunctions.createQueryJob(sqlStatement); } /** * Retrieves data from current drying process * * @return a map consisting of Timestamp(date&time) and Kwh value * @throws Exception throws execution if anything is wrong */ public static Map<String, Number> getCurrentDrying() throws Exception { // Initializing the data map to store the results Map<String, Number> data = new HashMap<>(); // Initializing baseline int baseline = 0; // Sqlstatement final String sqlStatement = "SELECT `" + KWH_TIMESTAMP_NAME_PARAMETER + "`, `" + KWH_NAME_PARAMETER + "` " + "FROM `" + PROJECT_ID + "." + LOCATION_ID + "." + KWH_TABLE_NAME + "` " + "WHERE " + KWH_TIMESTAMP_NAME_PARAMETER + " BETWEEN " + '"' + HelpingFunctions.START_TIME + '"' + " AND " + '"' + HelpingFunctions.STOP_TIME + '"' + " AND " + KWH_VALUE_ID_NAME_PARAMETER + " = " + KWH_VALUE_ID_VALUE_PARAMETER + " " + " AND " + KWH_NAME_PARAMETER + " <> 0 " + " ORDER BY " + KWH_TIMESTAMP_NAME_PARAMETER + " ASC"; System.out.println(sqlStatement); // Retrieves the results from the queryjob TableResult result = HelpingFunctions.createQueryJob(sqlStatement); //System.out.println("InTidTork\t\t\tUtTidTork"); // Iterating through the results HelpingFunctions.iterateKwhValues(data, baseline, result, KWH_NAME_PARAMETER, KWH_TIMESTAMP_NAME_PARAMETER); return new TreeMap<>(data); } }