## Name
LD sim

## Description
This project refers to current implementation of the simulation framework for the experiments concerning the collective decision making processes

## Current deployment
The project is currently available on the temporary server.
Application requires login, but it is opened for sign-up.


The project is under moving to the new deployment server, sorry for inconvinience. The new link will be published ASAP.

The only data that has been initially placed in the database concerns the complete data for the experiment conducted in MT but it is assumed that new users will alter the state.

Feel free to run own experiments, but although there is a backup of experimet results please do not alter populations that are not created by you.

## Usage

After registration and login us "Add top level template" to create own population.

Later click on "Population Template detail view" to navigate to template view of the root population.

Here you can add child populations bound to one of implemented voting models.

You can either use the shortcuts on the population template view to run elections on child populations (start small and observe the processing time feedback, before you run too many chained elections on one click).

By switching delegation model (D2, D3) to performance mode results from new elections will appear on D1 column

The graph for weight analytics assume equal number of lerning mode elections for all child population of specific type, so it may appear empty if a new population has not run any elections yet.

By clicking the child population name yo can navigate to a child population view (various tools for monitoring of evolution progress are included here).

To follow the MT experiment scenario use the "Switch to template view" link on the side to open the child population in a template mode (similar to the one for root template).

Adding new populations here represents the second generation of child populations.

## Support
Contact to developer: tomaszmr@stud.ntnu.no

## Roadmap

Source code is available in the intern repository of this project.
No further changes are planned.

## Contributing

I am very greatful for every feedback concerning the project itself or bugs you may find.

## Authors and acknowledgment
Tomasz Rudowski

## License

## Project status