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Commit 31d838b9 authored by Benjamin skinstad's avatar Benjamin skinstad
Browse files

cleaned up the code and expanded on documentation

parent e50afcb1
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module awesomeProject
go 1.13
......@@ -17,16 +17,18 @@ import (
//struct for holding the species array in country
type arraySpeciesJSON struct {
ArryJson []speciesJSON2 `json:"results"`
//just a small struct used to make it easier to get year
type specisYearJson struct {
Key float64 `json:"key"`
//struct for json respnce in country method
type countryJSON struct {
Code string `json:"code"`
Countryname string `json:"countryname"`
......@@ -36,6 +38,10 @@ type countryJSON struct {
//due to stupid implementation by me i had to make an identical struct with an float responce in year, hey if it works it works
// the initial json was made when my understanding of json was poor, something that imporved over time, but i am afraid that trying to improve the json
//to the other type might break it
type speciesJSON2 struct {
Key float64 `json:"key"`
Kingdom string `json:"kingdom"`
......@@ -60,16 +66,20 @@ type speciesJSON struct {
Year string `json:"year"`
//json struct for diagnose
type diagJSON struct {
Gbif int `json:"gbif"`
Rescountries int `json:"rescountries"`
Rescountries int `json:"restcountries"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Uptime float64 `json:"uptime"`
//global variables
StartTime = time.Time{}
StartTime = time.Time{} //for uptime
//filter for url methods
countryFilter = "/conservation/v1/country/"
specisFilter = "/conservation/v1/species/"
diagFilter = "/conservation/v1/diag/"
......@@ -79,40 +89,27 @@ var(
func main() {
/*fiks limit
finn ut om vi trenger å lage en json //ja, desverre
lag riktig json for country/specis/diag
inkluder år i species
finn ut hvordan man finner diag informationen //ping something
inkluder specis i country
remove dupes
add error code handinling
add custom 404
add rate limiting
startTime := time.Now()
// add switch here
//starts the uptime counter
StartTime = time.Now()
//to handle random / and undefined behavior
http.HandleFunc("/", undefined)
//handels the functions based on user input, the 2. parameter is the global string used for filtering
http.HandleFunc(countryFilter, country)
http.HandleFunc(specisFilter, species)
http.HandleFunc(diagFilter, diag)
//tries to get the port from the port number from the env file
port := os.Getenv("PORT")
//if it is unable to find the port variable it forces one
if port == "" {
port = "8080"
//opens and continus listens on said port
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil))
......@@ -121,36 +118,50 @@ func main() {
func undefined(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
io.WriteString(w, "please use /country,/species,/diag ")
io.WriteString(w, "please use /conservation/v1/country/ /conservation/v1/species/ /conservation/v1/diag/")
func country(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
//io.WriteString(w, "\ncountry\n\n")
fmt.Fprint(w, "\nCountry\n\n")
var input = r.URL.String()
var input = r.URL.String() //takes in an raw url string to keep the question mark
filtered := strings.Replace(input,countryFilter, "", -1) //removes the unessesary parts of the url
countryCode := string(filtered[0:2]) //saves away country parameter, its always 2 letters
filtered := strings.Replace(input,countryFilter, "", -1)
countryCode := string(filtered[0:2])
filterNumber := strings.Replace(filtered,countryCode+"&limit=", "", -1) //removes more of the url to only get the filter number
filterNumber := strings.Replace(filtered,"?limit=", "", -1)
filterNumber = filterNumber[:]
//makes it possible to not send in an limit, sets the value to 10 if no limit has been given
//it also now doesnt accept negative numbers or letters , default is size is 10 if not proper limit has been given
testInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(filterNumber)
if testInt <= 0{
filterNumber = "10"
// limit := filterNumber // TODO add number check here
tempLimit := 10
resp, err := http.Get(""+countryCode)
resp, err := http.Get(""+countryCode) //get full cpountry json responce
if err != nil {
respSpecis, err := http.Get(""+countryCode+"&"+"limit="+strconv.Itoa(tempLimit))
{ //
tempLimit, _ :=strconv.Atoi(filterNumber) //checks that the input number is not over 300, the api does not support 300+ in limit
//sets it to 300 if its to big
if tempLimit > 300 {
filterNumber ="300"
//gets the species part of the json
respSpecis, err := http.Get(""+countryCode+"&"+"limit="+filterNumber)
if err != nil {
......@@ -204,10 +215,13 @@ func country(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
// str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", respSpecis.Body)
// println(str)
var spectest arraySpeciesJSON
err = json.NewDecoder(respSpecis.Body).Decode(&spectest)
err = json.NewDecoder(respSpecis.Body).Decode(&spectest) //decodes the json into spectest
if err != nil {
......@@ -217,19 +231,22 @@ func country(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
var countryJsonArray []speciesJSON2
var yearJsonArray []specisYearJson
var duplicateCheck = ""
var duplicateCheck = "" //builds an string with all entires and checks for dupes after
for i:=0; i<tempLimit ;i++ {
intFilternumber, _ := strconv.Atoi(filterNumber) //go has some werid problems with conversion of types
keyTest := fmt.Sprintf("%f", spectest.ArryJson[i].Key)
if strings.Contains(duplicateCheck, keyTest) {
for i:=0; i<intFilternumber ;i++ {
keyTest := fmt.Sprintf("%f", spectest.ArryJson[i].Key) //gets the key
if strings.Contains(duplicateCheck, keyTest) { //check if key already exists, go out of loop if it does
duplicateCheck += keyTest
duplicateCheck += keyTest+","
key := spectest.ArryJson[i].Key
......@@ -257,15 +274,7 @@ func country(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
for index, element := range countryJsonArray{
fmt.Println(index, "=>", element)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
......@@ -276,27 +285,21 @@ func country(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
var info map[string]interface{}
var info map[string]interface{} //as mentioned in the start of the document this is my bad implementation of json, but since it works im afraid to fix it properly to the other
//initalises temp variables and set their default values incase something goes wrong
//todo make this work properly
/* tempCode := "error, unable to locate code"
tempCountryname := "error, unable to locate countryname"
tempCountryFlag := "error, unable to locate countryflag"
tempSpecies := "error, unable to locate specis"
tempSpeciesKey := "error, unable to locate specis key"
tempCode := info["alpha2Code"]
tempCountryname := info["name"]
tempCountryFlag := info["flag"]
//tempSpecies := "work in progress " //todo
//tempSpeciesKey := "work in progress " //todo
//this is so i can collapse this test //todo fix species and key test
//this is so i can collapse this test /
if tempCode == nil {
tempCode = "NA"
......@@ -321,149 +324,191 @@ func country(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
// fmt.Fprint(w,(json.MarshalIndent(string(e), "", " ")))
w.Header().Add("content-type", "application/json")
func species(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
io.WriteString(w, "\nspecies\n\n")
//io.WriteString(w, "\nspecies\n\n")
var input = r.URL.Path[:]
filtred := strings.Replace(input,specisFilter, "", -1)
filtred := strings.Replace(input,specisFilter, "", -1) //filter out the paramteter
resp,err := http.Get(""+filtred)
resp,err := http.Get(""+filtred) //runs api call with that paramter
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
io.WriteString(w,"404") //if input is invalid we do an 404 check and writes that out on the page if that is the case
if err != nil {
}else {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
var info map[string]interface{}
if err != nil {
var info map[string]interface{} //this is an shit way of doing json, it works for easier structures but not with nested, which is the reasons i go away from it later on
json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &info)
tempKey := info["key"]
tempNameKey := info["nameKey"]
tempKingdom := info["kingdom"]
tempPhylum := info["phylum"]
tempOrder := info["order"]
tempFamily := info["family"]
tempGenus := info["genus"]
tempScientificName := info["scientificName"]
tempCanonicalName := info["canonicalName"]
var namekeyInt int = int(tempNameKey.(float64))
//this is so i can collapse this test
if tempKey == nil {
tempKey = "NA"
if tempKingdom == nil {
tempKingdom = "NA"
if tempPhylum == nil {
tempPhylum = "NA"
if tempFamily == nil {
tempFamily = "NA"
if tempGenus == nil {
tempGenus = "NA"
if tempScientificName == nil {
tempScientificName = "NA"
if tempCanonicalName == nil {
tempCanonicalName = "NA"
if namekeyInt == 0 {
namekeyInt = 0
tempKey :=info["key"]
tempNameKey :=info["nameKey"]
tempKingdom :=info["kingdom"]
tempPhylum :=info["phylum"]
tempOrder :=info["order"]
tempFamily :=info["family"]
tempGenus :=info["genus"]
tempScientificName :=info["scientificName"]
tempCanonicalName :=info["canonicalName"]
respYear, err := http.Get("" + strconv.Itoa(namekeyInt) + "/name") //uses the namekey from the species call to find year in /name
if err != nil {
//this is so i can collapse this test //todo fix year test
if tempKey == nil {
tempKey = "NA"
if tempKingdom == nil {
tempKingdom = "NA"
if tempPhylum == nil {
tempPhylum = "NA"
if tempFamily == nil {
tempFamily = "NA"
if tempGenus == nil {
tempGenus = "NA"
if tempScientificName == nil {
tempScientificName = "NA"
if tempCanonicalName == nil {
tempCanonicalName = "NA"
defer respYear.Body.Close()
bodyYear, err := ioutil.ReadAll(respYear.Body)
if err != nil {
var infoYear map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyYear), &infoYear) //again this poor implementation of json, but it works
tempYear := infoYear["year"]
var namekeyInt int = int(tempNameKey.(float64))
createdJson := speciesJSON{tempKey.(float64), tempKingdom.(string), tempPhylum.(string), tempOrder.(string), tempFamily.(string),
tempGenus.(string), tempScientificName.(string), tempCanonicalName.(string), tempYear.(string)}
respYear,err := http.Get(""+strconv.Itoa(namekeyInt)+"/name")
if err != nil {
e, err := json.Marshal(createdJson)
w.Header().Add("content-type", "application/json")
io.WriteString(w, string(e))
defer respYear.Body.Close()
bodyYear, err := ioutil.ReadAll(respYear.Body)
if err != nil {
var infoYear map[string]interface{}
func diag(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
tempYear :=infoYear["year"]
gbifCode := 0 //variable to hold responce code from gbif api
rescountriesCode := 0 //variable to hold responce code from restcountries api
//todo add year check
version := runtime.Version() //get current go version
serverRuntime := time.Since(StartTime).Seconds() //global variable introdused, it starts counting when main is ran, and calculates time since that happend
serverRuntime = math.Round(serverRuntime*100)/100 //makes it into secounds with 2 decimales, change the rounding to make it into pure secounds. i prefered it with 2 decimales
createdJson := speciesJSON{tempKey.(float64),tempKingdom.(string), tempPhylum.(string), tempOrder.(string),tempFamily.(string),
tempGenus.(string),tempScientificName.(string),tempCanonicalName.(string), tempYear.(string)}
* this test does a empty get request to the gbif api main page, and based on the responce saves the responce code
* if the site is unreachable the status code is sat to 503 (service unaviable)
respGbif,err := http.Get("")
if respGbif == nil {
gbifCode = 503
if err != nil{
gbifCode = respGbif.StatusCode
gbifCode = respGbif.StatusCode
e,err := json.Marshal(createdJson)
* this test does a empty get request to the respRestcountries api main page, and based on the responce saves the responce code
* if the site is unreachable the status code is sat to 503 (service unaviable)
respRestcountries,err := http.Get("")
if respRestcountries == nil {
rescountriesCode = 503
}else {
if err != nil{
rescountriesCode = respRestcountries.StatusCode
rescountriesCode = respRestcountries.StatusCode
func diag(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
// creates an json bassed on the variables above
createdJson := diagJSON{gbifCode,rescountriesCode,version,serverRuntime}
gbifCode := 0
rescountriesCode := 0
version := runtime.Version()
serverRuntime := time.Since(StartTime).Seconds() //todo fix
serverRuntime = math.Round(serverRuntime*100)/100
respGbif,err := http.Get("")
if err != nil{
gbifCode = respGbif.StatusCode
respRestcountries,err := http.Get("")
if err != nil{
rescountriesCode = respRestcountries.StatusCode
e,err := json.Marshal(createdJson)
if err != nil {
createdJson := diagJSON{gbifCode,rescountriesCode,version,serverRuntime}
//sets the content type to json to make prettier output
w.Header().Add("content-type", "application/json")
//outputs the json to screen
e,err := json.Marshal(createdJson)
func fouroFour(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
e := "404"
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