@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ of these to list here but they are documented in the program
@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ of these to list here but they are documented in the program
I was unsure where the "status code 200 if everything is okay" should be printed out so i just printline the status code to the cl after every get
I was unsure where the "status code 200 if everything is okay" should be printed out so i just printline the status code to the cl after every get
I used 503 as the error code for diag on the api check, this is called if the server is whatever reason unreachable
I used 503 as the error code for diag on the api check, this is called if the server is whatever reason unreachable
I was not entierly sure what to put under version in diag so i put in current go verison of the server
I was not entierly sure what to put under version in diag so i put in current go verison of the server
I have understood the Path: country/{:country_identifier}{?limit={:limit}} part of the task as meaning that the limit part is not mandetory, making it possible for the
to both just search for example for the country US and get by default 10 resuslts, or us&limit=300 and get 300 responses
missing error checks:
missing error checks:
if country is given more than one letter it breaks, this is due to the limitations of my hard coded formatting
if country is given more than one letter it breaks, this is due to the limitations of my hard coded formatting